Browse jobs in Africa

Anyone considering an expatriate job in Africa should study the on-line Africa Jobs Boards. Live job boards are the most useful way to find available openings regardless if you are a mining engineer, an accountant, a diesel mechanic or a business development manager. All these roles, and many others are advertised on websites online designed to attract the most effective candidates. Recruitment agencies with extensive experience with Africa are the main advertisers working on behalf of global and regional clients. A number of them have job boards in French and Portuguese to draw these language speakers.

Browse jobs in africa

Hiring companies using agencies include mining houses, gas and oil contractor companies, banks, construction companies and export and import traders. Few positions are advertised directly by clients. Anyone seriously looking for the best opportunity in Africa should review these listings frequently as new openings are added daily. Positions might be over a short-term or long-term contract basis or could be for permanent employment.

In African countries the job locations as well as the pay vary greatly depending on the job role and industry. Technical and engineering professionals can be posted to offshore platforms, on-shore compounds, open cast mines along with other rural locations in countries like Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Congo. Where the jobs are challenging and the working conditions are difficult, premium rates can put on. Conventional office jobs who have more amenable surroundings in cities like Lagos, Dar-es-Salaam and Johannesburg are also available to expatriates.

Browse jobs in africa

A job candidate can put on for any quantity of jobs or load his CV on the database for future new positions being advertised. Jobs Boards should not charge candidates a fee for any with the services they offer. Beware of intermediaries which do this. Usual business practice is made for the customer to pay for the cost of the placement.